Beautiful by Amy Reed is the story of Cassie's Go Ask Alice style transformation from a normal, small town teenager into an acid-taking, boy-hunting wild child. She is in a whirlpool of drugs, sex, and sociopaths that is threatening to drown her, all in the pursuit of being labelled beautiful.
This book makes for an uncomfortable, often painful read. But that's the point. The writing is ugly, dwelling on every scab, barf, and dirty bed sheet Cassie's downward sweeps across. This isn't the sit-by-the-pool, candy-coated read you may be looking for this summer, but this book is fascinating. Cassie learns a few lessons along the way and there is a bright spot in her friend, Sarah, who is one of the few supporting characters that is not completely villainous. Even if you have to wait till the summer is over and the weather is dark and dreary enough to put you in the right mindset, pick up this book.
Next up on my summer reading list: Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen
P.S.: Read Go Ask Alice first. That book is amazing.