For example, in the eighth grade I dropped my math textbook and the binding broke from the spine. Back then I had all of ten dollars to my name and textbooks costed $75 minimum to replace. The teachers told us that if we had any of these unpaid fees by the time we graduated from high school, our diploma would be withheld. One can imagine how this would make an anxious little thing like thirteen year old me panic.
So I did the most logical option my tiny brain could think of and told no one. I waited to fix the textbook till the very last day of middle school. The morning before I had to turn the book in, I used a poxy that took 24 hours to dry. Without checking to see if the poxy had worked, I turned my book back in.
Nearly four years later, I still haven't heard a word about that textbook. But I still haven't told anybody about what happened. I supposed that I am embarassed that I didn't ask for help. I could have saved myself a lot of preteen angst if I viewed the issue with the forward thinking I have now. Again this is a completely trivial moment in my life, but I still remember it vividly.
ANYWAY, my embarrassing middle school stories aside, here is your challenge. Write about a secret you haven't told very many people even though it is not at all a big deal. Why haven't you told anybody? Looking back on it now, what would you have done differently? The trick is to make your story relevant to a wider audience by finding a message in your own misguided adventures. Relevance is the key to great creative nonfiction.
And now, because it has been stuck in your head since you read the title, here is Dirty Little Secret by the All American Rejects. Now this post is a complete throwback to middle school.
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