Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Writer's Funk

                So I have been in a bit of a funk these past couple of weeks. The kind of funk that every writer knows. The kind of funk which makes you hate every single thing your mind comes up with and every single thing your mind has ever come up with. Maybe you have one thing you are excited to get to in your story, but to get there you have to write the most excruciatingly boring plot anyone has ever spit out. Like writer's block except all consuming.

                Novels die in the funk's wake.

                Seriously, the last time I was in a funk I thought there was something physically wrong with my brain.

                I'm trying my hardest to survive this funk without abandoning my current project, erasing my hard drive, and setting fire to my computer. So far I've been successful. I've also been successful at procrastinating at writing even though I have free time for the first time in weeks. Another symptom of the funk.
                 To keep from deleting the 34 measly pages I have written in the past two months, I'm trying to focus on the elements I like about my novel. The little parts that might actually survive past the first draft. Writers are a lot better off looking at the things they like rather than the bottomless holes where their creativity goes to die.

P.S. Don't tell me that "funk" isn't a real word.

                1. a strong offensive smell
                2. a depressed state of mind

I think that pretty accurately describes what I'm talking about here.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tumblr Pick of the Week

...I say as if this is a regular segment on this blog. ANYWAY, I saw this on Tumblr and found it to be very helpful advice on writing romance.

You can find it here on Confessions of an Opinionated Book Geek.